
Londynn the Little Stinker

Londynn thinks that it is fun to tear apart mommies bed, just so she can play. So today she stacked all the pillows around the edges and climbed under the covers. Not before going to the kitchen to get her cereal for a snack. Which for some reason she thinks its OK to eat in my bed. Which it is not! Hints: zip lock baggy next to her in the picture. So she got all snuggly under the covers and watched some cartoons.

But this is what always happens...

Kids are too cute when they sleep!

3 you stopped by, so say Hi!:

Bilary said...

Hey I would be all over letting a kid play in my bed if they just fell asleep. A little mess is worth the free time! :) Those are darling pictures!

Blackeyedsue said...

Amen to Hilary. I will take a mess if I get a few sacred hours to myself. She is such a pretty little girl.

Justin & Jennifer Olsen said...

If only kids would sleep more...