
School Pictures

No, I did not order these pictures for those of you family members reading this blog. I plan on having the kids pictures taken together somewhere else. So that Londynn can be included. I hate that these companies can charge as much as $42 for one package. When you think about it, they don't even put a lot of effort into making the pictures look GOOD. I can go to Target and get the same type of package for less than $10. It is really upsetting that they continue to increase their prices, for what! I paid $11 for one class picture. When in reality they make a killing off the countless schools they photograph. Sorry this is a very sore subject with me. I will get off my soap box now. Thanks for the vent...

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Bilary said...

I hear you! And the thing I hate is how in our school they take the picture and send home the entire package and then if you don't buy it your kid thinks you hate them. Lovely. The idiots! I am right there with you on the pictures. They don't try and then you pay through the nose for them. It's highway robbery, I tell you!