
Londynn's First Day of School

The First Day
I gave you a little wink and smile as you entered my room today.
For I know how hard it is to leave and know your child must stay.
You've been with her for four years now and have been a loving guide,
But now, alas, the time has come to leave her at my side.
Just know that as you drive away and tears down your cheeks may flow.
I'll love her as I would my own and help her learn and grow.
For as a teacher, I too know how quickly the years do pass.
And that one day soon it will be my turn to take my child to class.
So please put your mind at ease and cry those tears no more.
For I will love her and take her in when you leave her at the door.

Thank you for entrusting your child to me for the coming school year.
I will do my very best every day to be your child's guide in learning
and exploring this bright, new world they've just stepped into.
Mrs. Westfahl

This was tucked away in a paper sack that her teacher had me take as I left the classroom. I had no problem leaving her in the classroom. She couldn't be more excited that this day had finally arrived. All week I have had to hear her ask, is it my school today? In which I had to sadly reply, not today just three more days, then two, now one. It wasn't until I read this note that the tears filled my eyes.
Oh, my sweet, sweet Londynn is no longer a BABY.

Londynn Pre-K

Doesn't she look so small for this really BIG school.

But she couldn't be happier.

I took these pictures while we waited outside for school to begin.
She loves flowers, but like most little kids she thinks it is OK to pick them.
So she always needs a little reminder to "please not pick".

She said it was OK to touch the flowers that had fallen on the ground.
Then she thought she would get as close as she could to the camera to show me.


She was very excited to see this bench was filled with letters, especially the letter "L".

Here you can see that she had no trouble with me leaving.
She found a book, just as her teacher asked and found her place at the table.

She will be just fine!!!

3 you stopped by, so say Hi!:

lexie said...

How exciting! The first day of school. I bet londynn loved it! That note from her teacher is the nicest thing. It made me want to cry!

Johnston Journal said...

So darling! She looks so tiny on that wall . The note was so sweet. All teachers should be that wonderful!

Katherine said...

She looks so cute! I wish Harrisen would be that excited for school to start. He is already dreading it. UHG I have my work cut out for me. I'm not letting him drop out this year no matter how bad he hates it!