
Girly Hair Things Part 2

I spent some time yesterday making some more cute bows for my girls. I have been having fun making them bows to coordinate with all their clothes. These yummy cupcake bows I made for the girls birthday outfits. We are going to be having a cupcake themed birthday party for both of the girls later this month. I just love all the layers!

Cute summer outfit that I embellished with ribbon and made matching bows. This was an affordable way for me to have boutique style clothes at a fraction of the cost.

So easy and fun!

3 you stopped by, so say Hi!:

Bilary said...

Okay, Laurie, that is SOOOOO Cute! I LOVE the bows that you made, and what a good idea to embellish clothes. I have never thought of that before - I guess I am lazy! But now you've got me thinking...I loved this post! Seriously, do you realize how talented you are? I hope you do because you are.

Krystal Dooley said...

Ryan wants to know if this comes in his size!
These are adorable. Would you ever consider selling these on your business blog so i can buy them?!

Laurie said...

Bilary- I am starting to be better about acknowledging my talents. I am greatful to be able to spread my wings here...and grow.

Krystal- If Ryan must! I am sure I can work something out. If you need me to make some bows for Gwen...let's talk.