
Memorial Day Fun

On Monday we got together with some of our ward friends and had a picnic at the park. Lexie was so kind to get the ball rolling and organize all the "food duties" (LOL, Jeremy will enjoy that Nacho Libre remark)So we headed to the new spray park which is only about 15 minutes away from us. Christine volunteered her husbands BBQ. We also celebrated Becca's birthday. I think everyone had a good time. Despite that KK woke up with a cold Tuesday morning. The water was COLD!

4 you stopped by, so say Hi!:

Shannon said...

Looks like fun!

Katherine said...

looks like everyone had a great time. That spray park looks great!

Bilary said...

How fun! The kids can't wait to play in the water here. It is finally warming up!

Blackeyedsue said...

I could use some of that spray about now.